There are about 25 species of this medicinal plant in the world, and 4 species in the wild in Turkmenistan. The plant flowers in April-May and bears fruit in May-June. The plant loves to grow in the foothills, on the plains, in sandy and sandy-stone deserts. In our country, the plant is widely found in the Karakums, Karabogaz, Turkmenbashi, Bathyz, Serhetabat, Archman, Ashgabat. Enough supplies for medicinal purposes. Both the herb and the root serve for medicinal purposes. For medicinal purposes, raw materials should be collected during the period of full flowering of the plant. It should be stored in paper or cloth bags away from direct sunlight. The presence of alkaloids, coumarins and flavonoids, which are biologically active substances, was found in its herb. An infusion prepared from the herb Arnebia Decumbens is effective against bacteria and fungi. In Turkmen medicine and folk medicine, it is used to treat bloody diarrhea, various skin diseases and wounds. The root gives a red color when dyeing woolen fabrics. In addition, it also serves as feed for cattle and camels. Pour a tablespoon of a well-ground plant with one glass of boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat in an enamel bowl. Strain the resulting solution through gauze and take 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for a tablespoon. Pour two tablespoons of Arnebia Decumbens with one glass of boiling water and cook over low heat until soft. The prepared solution should be used for various skin diseases and as a dressing for wounds.